Statistical process of experimental measurements#

1. Description of the data#

In our lab some measurements of local velocity were made with a CTA probe (see for example the Wikipedia page for hot-wire anemometry, or the Dantec information)

The measurements were performed in the wake behind a NACA profile with 5 degrees incidence angle


The data provided have been acquired at a distance of, approximately, \(\frac{x}{c} \approx 1.1\), where \(c = 265 \,\text{mm}\) is the profile’s chord. and there are 17 \(y\) positions, from \(y=-4 \,\text{cm}\) to \(y=+4 \,\text{cm}\), in intervals of 5 mm. In each point the velocity has been acquired for a second with a frequency of 1 kHz (that is, 1000 velocities in each point). It has been measured only the \(x\) component (main flow direction).

Most of the topics covered in this notebook have been consulted in the CFD-online Wiki page “Introduction to turbulence”

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np

We define the names for the columns, according with the definition

columns = []
for i in range(17):
    y = (i-8)*5
    columns.append("y = "+str(y)+"mm")
turbulenceData = pd.read_csv('TurbVel.csv',delimiter=',', index_col=0,names=columns)"Time"
y = -40mm y = -35mm y = -30mm y = -25mm y = -20mm y = -15mm y = -10mm y = -5mm y = 0mm y = 5mm y = 10mm y = 15mm y = 20mm y = 25mm y = 30mm y = 35mm y = 40mm
0.000 20.916005 21.013892 19.890369 20.564816 19.247617 20.242762 20.171834 19.326923 17.711748 17.954515 19.112384 19.247617 18.955669 19.624038 18.989162 20.337691 17.901476
0.001 20.757920 21.124463 19.878740 20.528820 19.258909 20.278330 20.124676 19.417902 16.314876 17.534186 19.213710 19.292888 18.922264 19.704760 18.833365 20.313920 17.743229
0.002 20.661140 21.087559 20.101135 20.492846 19.213710 20.337691 20.136438 19.360977 13.902128 18.590930 19.202443 19.349631 18.933382 19.716296 18.601871 20.254624 17.922668
0.003 20.794288 21.099841 20.207287 20.421109 19.315560 20.219094 20.124676 19.349631 12.840679 18.340470 19.281544 19.372364 18.955669 19.785785 18.503472 20.278330 17.471901
0.004 20.952667 21.099841 20.349604 20.480892 19.292888 20.313920 20.148242 19.326923 15.086783 18.243283 19.247617 19.349631 18.944540 19.785785 17.838033 20.195451 18.135857

If we want to save this data in another file, keeping the information for index, columns, etc… instead of csv, we can use a more powerful format, as HDF. This is a Hierarchical Data Format, widely used to store big amounts of data in a organized way. More information, in the HDF group web page or in Wikipedia.


In ordert to save as HDF you will need the pytables module installed.

Just run

pip install tables


We can then get again the data with the format provided

newTurbulenceData = pd.read_hdf("TurbVel.hdf")
y = -40mm y = -35mm y = -30mm y = -25mm y = -20mm y = -15mm y = -10mm y = -5mm y = 0mm y = 5mm y = 10mm y = 15mm y = 20mm y = 25mm y = 30mm y = 35mm y = 40mm
0.000 20.916005 21.013892 19.890369 20.564816 19.247617 20.242762 20.171834 19.326923 17.711748 17.954515 19.112384 19.247617 18.955669 19.624038 18.989162 20.337691 17.901476
0.001 20.757920 21.124463 19.878740 20.528820 19.258909 20.278330 20.124676 19.417902 16.314876 17.534186 19.213710 19.292888 18.922264 19.704760 18.833365 20.313920 17.743229
0.002 20.661140 21.087559 20.101135 20.492846 19.213710 20.337691 20.136438 19.360977 13.902128 18.590930 19.202443 19.349631 18.933382 19.716296 18.601871 20.254624 17.922668
0.003 20.794288 21.099841 20.207287 20.421109 19.315560 20.219094 20.124676 19.349631 12.840679 18.340470 19.281544 19.372364 18.955669 19.785785 18.503472 20.278330 17.471901
0.004 20.952667 21.099841 20.349604 20.480892 19.292888 20.313920 20.148242 19.326923 15.086783 18.243283 19.247617 19.349631 18.944540 19.785785 17.838033 20.195451 18.135857
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
0.995 21.087559 21.248015 19.349631 20.007225 19.785785 19.832212 19.612552 18.844470 17.010890 18.877784 17.234927 19.937022 20.373413 18.800155 17.451182 18.922264 19.808986
0.996 21.013892 21.334855 19.474945 19.972095 19.774176 19.855463 19.601036 18.844470 16.960352 18.082340 17.513403 20.183621 20.148242 18.800155 17.440815 19.532177 20.207287
0.997 21.050677 21.310005 19.440708 20.054129 19.704760 19.867080 19.578058 18.888878 16.373577 18.623839 17.680285 19.960385 20.148242 18.329634 17.461523 19.797365 20.160017
0.998 21.001619 21.297609 19.452103 20.054129 19.727874 19.832212 19.681671 18.933382 15.899636 18.039642 17.440815 19.693194 20.709496 18.211012 17.607118 19.601036 20.183621
0.999 21.062977 21.272798 19.497812 20.112884 19.612552 19.855463 19.658606 19.045057 16.570464 17.173579 17.327294 19.532177 20.721574 18.050324 17.378822 19.486393 20.065853

1000 rows × 17 columns


We can easily plot velocity time series in any point

turbulenceData["y = 0mm"].plot(ylabel="u")
<AxesSubplot:xlabel='Time', ylabel='u'>

And also we can get the main features

statData = turbulenceData.describe()
y = -40mm y = -35mm y = -30mm y = -25mm y = -20mm y = -15mm y = -10mm y = -5mm y = 0mm y = 5mm y = 10mm y = 15mm y = 20mm y = 25mm y = 30mm y = 35mm y = 40mm
count 1000.000000 1000.000000 1000.000000 1000.000000 1000.000000 1000.000000 1000.000000 1000.000000 1000.000000 1000.000000 1000.000000 1000.000000 1000.000000 1000.000000 1000.000000 1000.000000 1000.000000
mean 21.104367 21.044473 20.757320 20.316435 20.247308 20.270573 19.733937 19.493431 17.798975 17.059820 19.138614 19.377307 19.330135 19.228752 19.026175 19.121565 18.570242
std 0.187226 0.228523 0.762061 0.776583 0.536762 0.262442 0.251107 0.491538 1.124547 0.988907 0.305786 0.354726 0.462051 0.478166 0.694788 0.662401 0.860208
min 20.468907 20.207287 18.634798 18.866662 19.123603 19.704760 19.168608 18.297226 12.824605 13.765816 17.234927 17.764286 17.245155 17.265657 16.373577 16.511184 16.101291
25% 20.989390 20.989390 20.322845 19.751012 19.797365 20.065853 19.566596 19.075895 17.327294 16.491465 18.977981 19.213710 19.109572 18.989162 18.678760 18.722815 17.983749
50% 21.099841 21.112168 20.733695 20.225018 20.272393 20.219094 19.704760 19.532177 18.071674 17.173579 19.168608 19.440708 19.338256 19.258909 19.045057 19.258909 18.689782
75% 21.173826 21.186155 21.062977 20.624988 20.676252 20.492846 19.913683 19.937022 18.569031 17.774791 19.315560 19.601036 19.658606 19.520739 19.477807 19.601036 19.227838
max 21.647802 21.447038 23.727658 23.157105 21.774209 20.842895 20.361487 20.661140 19.843817 19.727874 20.077620 20.230943 20.721574 20.444995 20.830752 20.337691 20.492846
statData.loc["mean"].plot(title="Mean velocities")
<AxesSubplot:title={'center':'Mean velocities'}>

2. Computation of turbulence intensities#

Remember the definition of turbulence intensity:

\[ I = \frac{\sqrt{\overline{u'^2}}}{\bar{u}} \tag{1} \]

where the numerator is, precisely, the std index of our statistical data.

turbIntensity = statData.loc["std"]/statData.loc["mean"]
turbIntensity.plot(title="Turbulence Intensity")
<AxesSubplot:title={'center':'Turbulence Intensity'}>

3. Computation of fluctuations#

By definition, in each point the fluctuation of velocity is

\[ u' = u - \overline{u} \tag{2}\]
turbVelFluct = turbulenceData-statData.loc["mean"]

4. Computation of turbulence kinetic energy#

The turbulent kinetic energy (TKE), \(k\) is computed as

\[ k = \frac{1}{2}\overline{\boldsymbol{u'}\cdot\boldsymbol{u'}} = \frac{1}{2} \overline{u'_i u'_i} \tag{3}\]

and we should need also \(v'\) and \(w'\). We are then only computing the contribution of \(u'\) to TKE. Note that although main flow is in the \(x\) direction and components of velocities \(u\) and \(v\) can be neglected, it is not possible for fluctuating velocities \(v'\) and \(w'\). They can be as important as \(u'\). We can make the assumption that turbulence, at small scales, is isotropic and, hence \(\overline{u'}^2 \approx \overline{v'}^2 \approx \overline{w'}^2 \) and

\[ k \approx \frac{3}{2}\overline{u'}^2 \tag{4}\]
TKE = 1.5*statData.loc["std"]**2

5. Some time scales#

For the moment, we focus on \(y = 0 \,\text{mm}\) time series. The TKE in this point is

k = TKE.loc["y = 0mm"]

The turbulence Reynolds number, locally defined in this point, is calculated with a length scale, which can be estimated, for now, as the larger eddy in the flow, of the order of the profile’s chord.

\[ \text{Re}_t = \frac{\sqrt{k}c}{\nu} \tag{5}\]

We need also the viscosity of air.

nu = 1.5e-5 # m^2/s
c = 0.265 # m
Re_t = np.sqrt(k)*c/nu
print('Re_t = {:.5g}'.format(Re_t))
Re_t = 24332

The Kolmogorov time scale can be estimated as

\[ \tau_k = \sqrt{\frac{\nu}{\varepsilon}} \tag{6}\]

where \(\varepsilon\) is the energy dissipation rate, that can be estimated as

\[ \varepsilon = \frac{k^{\frac{3}{2}}}{c} \tag{7}\]

(it is considered that energy is injected at larger scales)

epsilon = k**1.5/c
epsilon # m^2/s^3

And the Kolmogorov time scale is, approximately,

tau_k = np.sqrt(nu/epsilon)

that is of the order of our time resolution.

An integral time scale is defined with the autocorrelation of time signal.

\[ R(\tau) = \overline{u'(t)u'(t+\tau)} \tag{8}\]

Computing autocorrelation is very time consuming, but pandas has a plotting method that performs this computation much faster. The problem is that the output is directly a plot, and it is tricky to get the autocorrelation values from it.

uPrime = turbVelFluct["y = 0mm"].values
autocorr = pd.plotting.autocorrelation_plot(uPrime).get_lines()[5].get_xydata()

We change the “lag” \(x\) numbers with time lag, form the Data Frame


And also zoom for a narrower \(x\) span. Note that the pandas function gives the normalized correlation \(\rho(\tau)=\frac{R(\tau)}{R(0)} \).

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
ax = plt.gca()
ax.set_title("Autocorrelation for y = 0 mm");

The integral time scale is defined as the integral of autocorrelation function

from scipy import integrate
T = integrate.trapezoid(autocorr[:,1],autocorr[:,0])

It gives a very small (negative) value because the number of samples (1000) is still very low to get a good autocorrelation for large lag. It is assumed that after the second or third root, the autocorrelation is zero. So, we change the limits of integration:

T = integrate.trapezoid(autocorr[0:50,1],autocorr[0:50,0])

This method has the inconvenient that there is not the lag 0. It should be included in the very first point.

Alternatively, the statistic models package provides a better way to estimate autocorrelation, even with the option of choosing the number of lags for the computation.

import statsmodels.api as sm
rho = sm.tsa.acf(uPrime,nlags=50,fft=False)
array([ 1.00000000e+00,  8.04541350e-01,  5.73932067e-01,  4.34197820e-01,
        3.66033657e-01,  3.52249759e-01,  3.37537587e-01,  3.17333281e-01,
        3.02811025e-01,  2.88497039e-01,  2.57130409e-01,  1.92849680e-01,
        1.36546784e-01,  1.03957571e-01,  8.32353264e-02,  8.38373665e-02,
        7.86032962e-02,  6.10277646e-02,  4.65580669e-02,  1.99746693e-02,
       -9.26964982e-03, -2.42545223e-02, -2.72775430e-02, -1.88646766e-02,
       -9.32923832e-03, -1.87112884e-02, -2.96367351e-02, -3.06195932e-02,
       -2.30782249e-02, -1.88316863e-02, -1.35537818e-02, -3.97915265e-03,
       -1.47696686e-02, -3.43907404e-02, -4.63080674e-02, -4.27395164e-02,
       -3.48795246e-02, -3.31582168e-02, -3.40160661e-02, -3.72166240e-02,
       -3.81736376e-02, -2.71323604e-02, -7.79263410e-03,  2.27309238e-03,
        5.12746823e-04, -1.00859193e-02, -1.05058317e-02,  9.75072762e-03,
        1.29933159e-02,  7.25182676e-03,  8.90439779e-03])
import as smg
../_images/0e28130eb7be19292b00bb051b7edff4eebd1d6666a9ac0941702dddefef4e0c.png ../_images/0e28130eb7be19292b00bb051b7edff4eebd1d6666a9ac0941702dddefef4e0c.png

The computation of the integral time is more accurate because of the 0-lag point.

T = integrate.trapezoid(rho[0:50],autocorr[0:50,0])

6. Histogram and PDF#

PDF is the Probability Density Function. It defines the probability of an event between to values. For example, if the pdf of our velocity fluctuation is \(f(x)\), then the probability that a value of the fluctuation lies between \(u'_1\) and \(u'_2\) is

\[ P\left(u'_1 < u' < u'_2\right) = \int_{u'_1}^{u'_2} f(x) \text{d}x \tag{9}\]
import scipy.stats as stats
X = stats.norm(0,statData["y = 0mm"].loc["std"])
X_samples= X.rvs(1000)
F, bins, patches = plt.hist(uPrime,bins=100,density=True) # Integral = 1

Since we have included the option density=True, the integral (moment of order 0) of this PDF is 1.

\[ M_0 = \int_{-\infty}^{+\infty} f(u') \text{d}u' = 1 \tag{10}\]
deltaUPrime = np.diff(bins) 
M0 = np.sum(F*deltaUPrime)

The moment of order \(n\) is defined as

\[ M_n = \int_{-\infty}^{+\infty} u'^n f(u') \text{d}u' \tag{11}\]

The moment of order 1 is the average of the samples, that should be 0

\[ M_1 = \overline{u'} = \int_{-\infty}^{+\infty} u' f(u') \text{d}u' = 0 \tag{12}\]
UPrimePDF = bins[:-1] + deltaUPrime/2
M1 = np.sum(UPrimePDF*F*deltaUPrime)

The moment of order 2 is the variance of the samples, that should be the square of the standard deviation given by pandas before…

\[ M_2 = \overline{u'^2} = \int_{-\infty}^{+\infty} u'^2 f(u') \text{d}u' \tag{13}\]
M2 = np.sum(UPrimePDF**2*F*deltaUPrime)

We can check it easily with the statistical data

statData["y = 0mm"].loc["std"]**2

The moment of order 3 is

\[ M_3 = \overline{u'^3} = \int_{-\infty}^{+\infty} u'^3 f(u') \text{d}u' \tag{14}\]

The skewness of the \(u'\) distribution is defined as

\[ S = \frac{M_3}{M_2^\frac{3}{2}} \tag{15}\]
M3 = np.sum(UPrimePDF**3*F*deltaUPrime)
S = M3/M2**1.5

The moment of order 4 is

\[ M_4= \overline{u'^4} = \int_{-\infty}^{+\infty} u'^4 f(u') \text{d}u' \tag{16}\]

The kurtosis of the \(u'\) distribution is defined as

\[ K = \frac{M_4}{M_2^2} \tag{17}\]

For a normal distribution, it should be 3 (check it)

M4 = np.sum(UPrimePDF**4*F*deltaUPrime)
K = M4/M2**2

7. Power spectrum#

Finally, from the time series signal, we can get the spectrum in frequency by performing a Fast Fourier Transform

E = np.abs(np.fft.fft(uPrime))

We compute the frequencies range, providing the periode of the data acquisition

freq = np.fft.fftfreq(uPrime.size,0.001)

and we keep only half the data, since it is symmetric

E = E[:len(E)//2]
freq = freq[:len(freq)//2]

and, finally, we compute the energy, which is the square of the velocity

P = E**2
[<matplotlib.lines.Line2D at 0x7f1742ac86a0>]

Let’s plot it in a log-log graph with the -5/3 Kolmogorov’s law as a reference line for the energy decay in frequency

fig, ax = plt.subplots(1)
f_plot = np.logspace(1,2.7,100)
f_ref = 10 #Just a Frequancy and Energy of reference for the -5/3 law
P_ref = 1e5
P_plot = P_ref/f_ref**(-5/3)*f_plot**(-5/3)

This spectrum can also be computed via the velocity autocorrelation

rho = sm.tsa.acf(uPrime,nlags=999,fft=False)
../_images/35b7406663ed6e367aa0bdf425705788a821846a683f31d942aee6e949c408f2.png ../_images/35b7406663ed6e367aa0bdf425705788a821846a683f31d942aee6e949c408f2.png
Pr = np.abs(np.fft.fft(rho))
freq = np.fft.fftfreq(rho.size,0.001)
Pr = Pr[:int(len(Pr)/2)]**2
freq = freq[:int(len(freq)/2)]
fig, ax = plt.subplots(1)
f_plot = np.logspace(1,2.7,100)
f_ref = 30
P_ref = 100
P_plot = P_ref/f_ref**(-5/3)*f_plot**(-5/3)
    %load_ext watermark
    !pip install watermark
%watermark -v -m -iv
Python implementation: CPython
Python version       : 3.8.13
IPython version      : 8.0.1

Compiler    : GCC 10.3.0
OS          : Linux
Release     : 5.4.0-144-generic
Machine     : x86_64
Processor   : x86_64
CPU cores   : 4
Architecture: 64bit

matplotlib : 3.5.1
statsmodels: 0.13.2
pandas     : 1.4.2
numpy      : 1.22.2
scipy      : 1.8.1